Advanced SI Design Kit (ADK)

Everything you want to do with S parameters in one place

ADK is a comprehensive set of SI utility tools to simplify many commonly encountered SI tasks into a single mouse click. ADK has been used daily for many years in major hardware companies. With ADK, new graduates can be trained to perform the tasks of middle-level SI engineers within a day. Among the 25+ SI Apps are

  • Fill in DC and correct passivity, reciprocity and causality errors in Touchstone files,
  • Convert S parameters into TDR/TDT waveforms,
  • Compute optimized TX tap coefficients, run channel simulation and plot eye diagrams,
  • Convert S parameters into tabular RLGC models,
  • Convert S parameters into equivalent SPICE models,
  • Combine multiple .snp files,
  • Channel Operating Margin (COM) for IEEE 802.3
  • Delta-L calculation with curvefitted equation
  • Many templates to extract DK, DF and roughness
  • Compliance testing, 2D field solver, S-param viewer and more.

Example 1

ADK corrects causality violation and outputs new Touchstone files for better channel simulation and impedance reading. Note how much the S parameters can change after causality correction.



Example 2

Delta-L is used to compute PCB loss from multiple Touchstone files of different trace length.  Curvefitted equation is provided.  ADK’s unique automated de-skew feature helps reduce variation of PCB loss.

Without de-skew:
With de-skew:


Example 3

Going from S parameters to optimized TX FFE and RX CTLE and DFE coefficients and eye diagrams in NRZ or PAM-4 is only one mouse click away.
