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原位去嵌入 (ISD) 線上研討會

04/29/2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

如果測試夾具和校準物件具有不同的阻抗,則傳統的去嵌入方法會在被測物(DUT)結果中產生違反因果性的誤差。本演講將介紹通過軟體而非硬體來解決這種阻抗差異的原位去嵌入(In-Situ De-embedding 或 ISD),因而能提高去嵌入精度,也同時降低硬體成本。現在IEEE 370 標準將ISD的開創性技術稱為“阻抗校正方法”。以下主題將使用50+ GHz的實際測量範例來進行討論:

  1. 什麼是因果性關係?
  2. 什麼是原位去嵌入(ISD)。
  3. 將ISD結果與仿真,其他去嵌入工具和Delta L方法進行比較。
  4. 違反因果性去嵌入如何影響連接器的規格測試。
  5. 如何自動消除不同傳播遲延以獲得更可預測的去嵌入結果。
  6. 如何從1x開路和1x短路推導等效的2x直通。
  7. 如何提取沒有 spikes 和 glitches 的準確的PCB走線衰減。
  8. 如何經由與去嵌入後的PCB走線吻合所有IL,RL,NEXT,FEXT和TDR / TDT來提取PCB的材料屬性(DK,DF,粗糙度)。
  9. PCIe 5.0 規格: 什麼是 ccICN ?

AtaiTec 公司創辦人兼總裁黃清照博士擁有30多年的高速設計與信號完整性(Signal Integrity 或 SI) 軟體開發經驗。曾擔任IBM的顧問工程師,TMA的研發經理,Rambus的SI經理以及Optimal的資深副總裁。黃總裁是IEEE的資深會員,發明原位去嵌入(ISD)。他畢業自台灣大學電機系,並於美國俄亥俄州立大學 (Ohio State University) 獲得電機碩士與博士學位。

Traditional de-embedding methods can give non-causal error in device-under-test (DUT) results if the test fixture and calibration structure have different impedance. This presentation introduces In-Situ De-embedding (ISD) that addresses such impedance difference through software instead of hardware, thereby improving de-embedding accuracy while reducing hardware cost. IEEE 370 standard now refers to ISD’s pioneering technique as “impedance corrected method”. The following topics will be discussed with up to 50+ GHz measurement examples:

  1. What is causality?
  2. What is In-Situ De-embedding (ISD).
  3. Comparison of ISD results with simulation, other de-embedding tools and Delta L method.
  4. How non-causal de-embedding affects connector’s compliance testing.
  5. How to automatically de-skew for more predictable de-embedding results.
  6. How to derive effective 2x thru from 1x open and 1x short.
  7. How to extract accurate PCB trace attenuation that is free of spikes and glitches.
  8. How to extract PCB’s material property (DK, DF, roughness) by matching all IL, RL, NEXT, FEXT and TDR/TDT of de-embedded PCB traces.
  9. PCIe 5.0 spec and ccICN, etc.

Dr. Ching-Chao Huang, AtaiTec founder and president, has more than 30 years of high-speed design and SI software development experience. He was advisory engineer at IBM, R&D manager at TMA, SI manager at Rambus and Sr. VP at Optimal. Dr. Huang is an IEEE senior member and and he pioneered In-Situ De-embedding (ISD) for causal and accurate de-embedding. He received his BSEE from National Taiwan University and MSEE and PhD from Ohio State University.




11:00 am - 12:00 pm